Grant Thornton specialists have completed the valuation of the share of Arctic Mining Company LLC, which develops diamond deposits in the north-west of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) under the brand “ALMAR – Arctic diamonds”. The evaluation was commissioned by ALMAR’s investor, Polarctic Management LLC, in order to organize the investment round necessary to complete the exploration work and put the reserves of the license areas on the company’s balance sheet.
“The choice of FBK was due to the extensive experience and long – term practice in the diamond mining industry, accumulated by the company over 25 years of audit and evaluation of ALROSA and its subsidiaries and affiliates, which ensured the high quality of the work performed,” said Andrey Novikov, Deputy general director for commerce of ALMAR.
FBK has been providing audit, valuation, accounting, tax, and legal services for more than 30 years, and has held leading positions in the ratings of professional companies in Russia throughout the entire period of their compilation.
FBK ranks sixth in the rating of the largest audit organizations in Russia, and in the list of the largest audit groups and networks in 2019 according to the top Russian rating agency RAEX. The company also became the first in the “Audit of Banks” and entered the top three in a number of key categories: “Financial Consulting”, “Tax Consulting” and “Legal Consulting”. In addition, FBK was ranked in the top 10 in the categories “IT Consulting” and “Evaluation Activity”, as well as in the top 20 in “Outsourcing”.