ALMAR is committed to working in a sustainable manner and with the utmost integrity to maximize the positive economic, environmental and social impacts of its business, making the most of the mineral resources it develops. In our daily activities we are guided by the principles of social responsibility, environmental management and economic sustainability.

The company considers its main development priorities to be:
  • Sustainable indicators of economic and investment efficiency of business.
  • Technical development of the industrial base of the enterprise.
  • Balanced expansion of the mineral resource base.
  • Development of human capital as the main resource of the company.
  • Respect for the nature and culture traditions of Arctic.

Arctic mining company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct in all of its relationships with employees, customers, suppliers and the communities of the region and industries in which we operate. We adhere to business practices that create conditions for long-term sustainable development, reputation of the company as a supplier of high-quality products and services, socially responsible employer and environmentally oriented manufacturer.

ALMAR is fully committed to ensuring that our production facilities become one of the bases for the development of the economy of the Arctic region of Yakutia. To that end we will regularly report on the progress of our commitments to all stakeholders and the public.


ALMAR is committed to working in a sustainable manner and with the utmost integrity to maximize the positive economic, environmental and social impacts of its business, making the most of the mineral resources it develops. In our daily activities we are guided by the principles of social responsibility, environmental management and economic sustainability.

The company considers its main development priorities to be:

  • Sustainable indicators of economic and investment efficiency of business.
  • Technical development of the industrial base of the enterprise.
  • Balanced expansion of the mineral resource base.
  • Development of human capital as the main resource of the company.
  • Respect for the nature and culture traditions of Arctic.

The company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct in all of its relationships with employees, customers, suppliers and the communities of the region and industries in which we operate. We adhere to business practices that create conditions for long-term sustainable development, reputation of the company as a supplier of high-quality products and services, socially responsible employer and environmentally oriented manufacturer.

ALMAR is fully committed to ensuring that our production facilities become one of the bases for the development of the economy of the Arctic region of Yakutia. To that end we will regularly report on the progress of our commitments to all stakeholders and the public.
