Operational activities:
- The complex of works on gross testing at the Beenchime field has been completed.
- Completion of the complex of geological drilling at the Khatystakh site.
- 400 carats of diamonds were mined, their evaluation was carried out according to the price list of the Ministry of Finance and market prices.
- Based on the results of the exploration, an independent technical report on the international JORC code has been prepared.
- The results of exploration at the Beenchime site showed an increase in forecast resources by more than 30% and made it possible to transfer 1/3 to reserves.
- According to the results of exploration work at the Khatystakh site, the level of knowledge of forecast resources has increased and their total volume has increased by more than 2 times.
- The production program for the development of both sites has been adjusted.
- Financing of the entire complex of works on the main activity has been provided.
- Transformation into a Public Joint Stock Company.
- A listing agreement has been concluded with the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.
- The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has registered an additional issue of shares of PJSC ALMAR.
- Preparations have been made for the initial placement of shares in the St. Petersburg Juniors segment of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.
Corporate activities
- Two new independent directors on the board of directors with experience on boards of directors in the financial market.
- The team has attracted several professionals with experience in the diamond mining industry.
• Mining and concentration works at the exploration stage are carried out by Almazy Anabara JSC, a subsidiary of ALROSA diamond mining company.
• The auditor of ALROSA, FBK Grand Thornton, re-evaluated the company and the ALMAR investment project based on the results of the 6th and 12th months of 2021.
• Transformation into JSC in order to attract financing in the financial markets, AGK LLC became a 100% subsidiary of ALMAR PJSC.
• ALMAR attracted investments from investment banks ITI Capital, IFK Solid, AKB Derzhava.
• The results of the exploration of the Beenchime field showed an increase in forecast resources by more than 30%, the results of the exploration of Khatystakh are planned for 3Q2022.
• The company’s production plans have been adjusted to reflect the pandemic issues.
• ALROSA has been involved in exploration operation.
• Andrey Karkhu, ex – Chief Engineer of Almazy Anabara JSC,a subsidiary of ALROSA that mines diamonds in the ALMAR region, has been appointed CEO of the company.
• ALMAR has attracted investment from Polarctic Management.
• ALROSA’s long-term auditor, FBK Grand Thornton, evaluated the company and the ALMAR investment project.
• Conducting of duedil investment project and development of investment documentation.
• Confirmation of inferred resources by the international geological consulting company SRK,
• Conclusion of supply agreements with the first customers – major rough diamond dealers from Belgium, India and China.
• Rebranding, the company was named ‘ALMAR – Arctic Diamonds’
• Continued geological exploration works on the Hatykhstakh and Beenchimee license areas.
• A feasibility study of the AMC manufacturing complex has been developed.
• The management structure is formed by specialists in the field of sales and marketing.
• Search and evaluation works were carried out at the Hatykhstakh and Beenchimee license areas.
• Representative lots of rough diamonds were collected and their preliminary assessment according to the international classifier was carried out.
• An estimate of forecast resources has been formed.
• Obtained a positive expert opinion of the Federal entity Rosgeolexpertisa of Federal agency for subsoil use of Russia for the project search and evaluation operations on Hatykhstakh and Beenchimee subsoil areas.
• The management structure of the company is formed by specialists in the field of mining and processing complex.
• Obtaining two licenses for subsoil use (geological study, including the search and evaluation of loose and indigenous diamond deposits) in the North-West of Yakutia on the territory of the Anabar-Olenek subprovince.
• The beginning of prospecting works on the Hatykhstakh licence area.
• Foundation of Arctic mining company LLC. The company was founded by a team of professionals directly involved in the development of diamond mining in Yakutia in structure of ALROSA and its subsidiaries, Diamonds of Anabar JCS and Nizhne-Lenskoe OJCS which develop diamond deposits at Lena-Anabar diamondiferous subprovince located at Arctic zone of Yakutia.
• Formed the main structure of the Department for exploration.