Diamond-bearing sands concentrating is organized at each deposit separately. For concentrating we use the technology of preliminary processing of sands (washing) with the subsequent giving by conveyors of the sorted sand (grain) on X-ray luminescent separation and on installation of heavy-medium concentrating. Concentrating product – heavy concentrate is transported to Yakutsk to the sorting center for the final extraction of diamonds.

  • The average annual productivity of the Khatystakh site for sand concentration is 400,000 m3.
  • The average annual productivity of the Beenchimee site for sand concentration is 350,000 m3.

The use of reagents that emit harmful compounds is not envisaged for the classification of the useful component at the production sites. Pebble and ash dumps as they accumulate are taken to the dumping of roads, sites, strengthening of the MPW, etc. Operational losses of sands during mining operations are not provided by the project.
